Inspiration: After giving a ‘Curvy Stuff’ presentation, Engineers would approach me and say “great presentation, though I will never use any of it because all I design is ‘blocky” parts'”. The majority of any audience at SolidWorks World are Engineers, and I clearly wasn’t making the connection I was hoping for – that the route I have learned towards working through the majority of modeling problems (be they ‘blocky’ or ‘curvy’) is understanding the BREP and that all features are just macros for the background processes SolidWorks uses to make features.
From this presentation I have received the best compliments I have ever heard: “I’m going to change how I model everything” and (one year later, from another guy) “Ed, you saved my job”.
Abstract: Show that understanding how SolidWorks works behind-the-scenes (that all solid features are in fact ‘macros’ for creating a series of surface features, and of course the all-important BREP) can help anyone solve their tough modeling problems, easily clean up their models, or improve rebuild times on complicated parts.
Benefit: Attendees, even folks making ‘block parts’, learn how to overcome modeling roadblocks by understanding how SolidWorks works at a root level – even if they never use any Surface features!