Silicon Engines, along with Unique Technologies, developed circuitry for an electrical test system with the intention of licensing it to a qualified marketer of electrical equipment. To help potential licensees visualize how this technology would look as a product, they approached DiMonte Group to explore an industrial design for housing the electronics and deliver renderings.
Industrial Design
2D sketches and 3D ‘sketch’ models were created and reviewed with the client. With our clients’ direction, DiMonte Group designers created exterior models of the housing, rendered them, then composited those renderings with photographs to create the illusion that this product already existed. The resulting images were posted on their website to entice potential licensees.
Estimating and Manufacturing Design Support
When a licensee professed interest, the DiMonte Group was asked to develop the housing models ‘just enough’ for Silicone Engines to procure and deliver estimates for tooling and part costs. After the licensee made a formal offer, DiMonte Group was engaged one last time to proceed with a final design and engineer the parts for production.