With a tight deadline of 6 weeks to design, engineer, and deliver 25+ Pre-Production demonstration models for NASA’s Ames Research Center 75th Anniversary Open House, DiMonte Group built upon knowledge from the TDVisor program to create an … [Read more...]
Case Study – TD Vision I
In 2005, TDVision contracted DiMonte Group to design a lightweight 3D Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display, the “TDVisor”, to demonstrate their 3D video technology. TDVision, a pioneer of 3D Virtual Reality technology, developed … [Read more...]
Case Study – Ideal Ergo Elite
Through field research and a rigorous analysis of the problem, we created a new wire stripper for Ideal Industries. Aircraft wiring harnesses require precision stripping of its insulation. If any of the conductors are nicked by the blade … [Read more...]